About me

I currently am a technology/business consultant and software developer with over 15 years experience building products for startups. In my most recent projects I have filled the roles of CTO, brand + strategy development lead, and software developer. I recently built a product called Chatalyst that recruiters used to send SMS messages to potential hires with chatGPT in the background. I enjoy turning complex problems into simple, beautiful and intuitive designs.

I was most recently the CTO of a Techstars backed crypto startup called Smeisty Co. where I oversaw product development, tech infrastructure, NFT launches and partner strategy.

I founded the largest software engineering school in Louisiana, Operation Spark, where I grew programs from serving 12 students to over 2,000 in underserved communities. We partnered with the Obama Whitehouse on their TechHire Initiative. Obama even gave us a shoutout. I am currently the board chair at Operation Spark where I help with strategy and fundraising.



  1. University school of the arts

    2007 — 2008

    Nemo enims ipsam voluptatem, blanditiis praesentium voluptum delenit atque corrupti, quos dolores et quas molestias exceptur.

  2. New york academy of art

    2006 — 2007

    Ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt, facere quisquams facere menda ossimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est omnis..

  3. High school of art and design

    2002 — 2004

    Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate, quila voluptas mag odit aut fugit, sed consequuntur magni dolores eos.


  1. Creative director

    2015 — Present

    Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem blanditiis praesentium voluptum delenit atque corrupti, quos dolores et qvuas molestias exceptur.

  2. Art director

    2013 — 2015

    Nemo enims ipsam voluptatem, blanditiis praesentium voluptum delenit atque corrupti, quos dolores et quas molestias exceptur.

  3. Web designer

    2010 — 2013

    Nemo enims ipsam voluptatem, blanditiis praesentium voluptum delenit atque corrupti, quos dolores et quas molestias exceptur.

My skills

  • Web design
  • Graphic design
  • Branding
  • WordPress


  • finance

    Soul Addict Shopify/Liquid, E-commerce, Brand Development

    Soul Addict is a woman-owned hemp brand based out of western North Carolina. I managed the rebrand of Soul Addict e-commerce site, worked with a team of designers and developed the Shopify website based on their Figma mockups.

  • Habana Outpost screenshot

    Habana Outpost Brand Development, Marketing Strategy, Website Development

    Habana Outpost is a Latin American restaurant based out of Brooklyn, New York and New Orleans, Louisiana. I provided brand consultation, website development, menu design, and marketing strategy for both locations.I built out branded Canva templates for the social media team to utilize and oversaw a team of graphic designers developing new brand initiatives.

  • Smeisty screenshot

    Smeisty Co. Brand Development, Marketing Strategy, Website Development

    Smeisty is a single platform that supports companies at every stage of their NFT journey–from strategy and launch to sustained management of their brands and customer communities.

  • Meta Mutts screenshot

    Meta Mutts NFT Smart Contract + Minting, Brand Development, Marketing Strategy, Website Development

    Meta Mutts is an NFT collection launched in 2022 where every holder is a member & a leader of the pack.

  • What She Said screenshot

    That’s What She Said Website + Product Development

    What She Said is a women-owned referral network for businesses and women that went through the Austin Techstars program. I built out the front and backend end of their application as well as their marketing site. I also provided GTM and product strategy.

  • Habana Works website screenshot

    Habana Works Brand Development, Marketing Strategy, Website Development

    Habana Works builds positive change at a local scale, through programs that focus on uplifting and enriching the lives of young people, creating meaningful public art, and keeping a strong focus on environmental responsibility.



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